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Wanted Poster Planning Resource

Wanted Poster Planning Resource

This worksheet can be used to plan before creating a wanted poster. The character used here is the big bad wolf from Little Red Riding Hood. PDF and Word Document included.
Animal Facts Sorting Activity

Animal Facts Sorting Activity

This activity requires the children to work in groups to research the different animals, with the support of the fact sheet and then answer the questions based on their research. PDF format.
Character Description Success Criteria Differentiated

Character Description Success Criteria Differentiated

Differentiated success criteria for children to use as a checklist when writing a character description. There is a column for self-assessment as well as teacher assessment, which can be used for evidence in books. PDF and editable Word Document included.
Animals Fact Sorting Activity

Animals Fact Sorting Activity

Children should read the fact sheets and find key information about the different animals before answering the questions on the sorting activity. PDF and editable Word Document included.
Lower Key Stage 2 Home Learning Pack

Lower Key Stage 2 Home Learning Pack

This homework pack can be used to send home for children who do not have access to online resources during home learning periods. The work included is aimed at children in Year 3 and lower key stage 2. PDF format.
Tin Forest Planning

Tin Forest Planning

A planning unit for the Tin Forest text. Can be used for reading lessons or English lessons. PPTs included and worksheets where appropriate. 4 weeks planning unit, including 5 lessons per week.